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back to work
11:21 a.m. * 2001-07-06
It's been a kind of rough last couple days. I'm sunburnt, so my skin is hurting. George is still avoiding me. And I've spent a whole lot of time bored senseless. I go back to work tonight and school starts again on Monday. So now I've run out of time off and I'm back to the old busy schedule.

Ok, enough of that crap. Because that's what it is. I am too sensitive. I can deal with this. The sunburn sucks but eventually it'll go away too.

So how is everyone? Joe's away on a trip and Invisible Don is already enjoying his weekend. So the diary updates haven't been in abundance lately. Thankfully Johnboy is still around so I'm not all alone in diaryland. (hehe)

I'm still looking for that spare room...I'd even sleep on the floor. :) I'd also be willing to babysit your kids or clean the house or housesit. You can even call for references. :) Can you tell I really want to get away for a little while?

I need some kind of an adventure. But I'm so used to being dependable and responsible I always just do what I'm supposed to do and never break out of the hold my responsibilities have over me. And it's really starting to suck.

Well I think I'll go be bored and watch some tv. :)

Joe...Espero verle otrs vez. y Por favor tenga cuidado. :)

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