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just a short entry for this chilly part of the day perhaps we shall call it Sm-entry
1:16 p.m. * 2001-07-02
Hi again!!

I just want highlights. Bring out the natural reds in my hair. The way it gets when I've been out in the sun a lot.

My hair, by the way, is dark brown. Almost as dark as my eyes.

I'm not really into the whole Star Wars thing....

So I don't know the hairstyles you mentioned.

I usually just wear it pulled up somehow.

I have it in two braids right now, very Little House on the Prairie.

Well it's time for me to go. I'm meeting a friend for a late lunch. :) I hope it is as interesting and fun as it sounded on the phone.

"Never seek to tell thy love. Love that never told can be; For the gentle wind does move Silently, invisibly. I told my love I told my love, I told her all my heart; Trembling, cold, in ghastly fears, Ah! She did depart! Soon as she was gone from me, A traveler came by, Silently, invisibly: He took her with a sigh." Love's Secret, By William Blake (1757-1827)

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