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entry 200, new years resolutions, and thanks
12:14 a.m. * 2001-12-27
So who all is making New Year's resolutions?

The last couple years I've refused to even entertain the idea of making resolutions for the simple fact that I knew dang well that I would never actually do the things I set my hopes to do.

This year I think I might just try. I feel like I need something I can think about and hope for and prove to myself that I can do.

So far my list of possible resolutions is as follows:

  1. Take a certification test.
  2. Carry my camera with me for more 'spur of the moment pictures'.
  3. Write more.
  4. Try to lessen my sarcasm.
  5. Learn to knit.

Weak list isn't it? But hey this idea is only just really beginning to form into anything today. :-�

Well this is also my 200th entry. Shocking isn't it?

So anyway. Thanks to all the people that stopped by to wish me happy holidays and the likes. I hope all of you had fabulous ones and have good memories to keep you looking forward to next year. Oh, and hey, if you leave me a note or a guestbook message of your resolutions, I'll make up a list of everyones, and we can check them before 2003. Assuming we are all still posting here, which I'm sure we will be. :)

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