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1:55 am * March 25, 2007
Holy crap it's been too darn long! So very much to say and no time to say it tonight. I guess that because I haven't gotten back into the update everyday thing I just got out of it completely. These are the things I want to tell you all about:

The guy at work
My new friend
My New House
The old house
The situation beginning with the old house
The bad news
The worst news
Falling leaping off the "wagon"
Tenatively getting back on the wagon

See, lot's to say! I'm off Monday but I'm only going to be home (in the new house) in the morning, and that time has to be spent cleaning because a guy from work is going to help me move stuff that was too big to put in the car. Assuming we can. (it'll be explained eventually I promise) And when we're done he'll be hanging out here, he likes to hang around. - Not complaining!-

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