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2:11 pm * September 10, 2006
I wrote this yesterday but didn't have time to actually update it. So here it goes.

I've been going through a lot of changes, both mentally and physically, since January. I found a plan that has changed the whole way I look at food, and I have to tell you... It's freakin' awesome. I used to think that at some point in life I would have to get the gastric bypass done if I wanted to ever lose weight. I was wrong, and I'm freaking thrilled to tell you I was wrong.

If there's anyone out there who feels that way, leave me a note or message here and I'll tell you about the plan I found. I promise you that it works if you follow it. My job still sucks ass, but I'm finally happier with myself than I have been in a very long time.

Oh, in addition, I just want other people to experience this because it IS a life changing thing. (Before you start thinkin' I'm trying to sell some diet pill, I'm not.)

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