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3:45 pm * August 16, 2005
This summer hasn't been one of the best ever. I miss my family and I wish we could have gone up there to see them, but at the same time maybe it's easier to deal with feeling bad and not seeing them then it is to deal with feeling good being around them and then having to leave again and feeling like crap all over again. I want to be able to spend time with them soon, because I don't want to keep putting it off and then never get to see them again.

Pretty much all summer I've worked close to 40 hours a week, which I know, that's normal-ish, but I'm only part time, so it's taken some adjusting for me. (It's loads of fun working more hours on even less sleep than normal too!) Then of course the other day Mother decides to lay on a guilt trip. She said that it was my fault we didn't go away for a weekend or spend more time at the beach this summer. Why? Well because I was always working. She sure didn't mind all the work I was doing when she needed to borrow money (she only gets paid every other week, and I get paid weekly). Gee, and before she said I didn't work enough. To top it off I've been getting major headaches all summer... Wonder why?

Blah, so there's a guy at work who supposedly likes one of our co-workers (who has a boyfriend)... But, he's ALWAYS flirting with me, so you can see why I'm confused, right? I don't know, I'm probably just thinking too much again. And that's not totally out of the ordinary for me. I sort of like him, and I wouldn't mind going out somewhere with him, but, I don't know if he actually likes me or is just flirting with me to amuse himself. And quite frankly, I don't want to ask him.

Well, I better post this and log off, because Mother just got home.

Hope you're all doing well!!

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