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1:00 am * August 21, 2004
So hey, know what's in 7 more days? Yes! You're right!!! It's Saturday! :�

Things are so weird here right now. Well, maybe just for me. I'm still havin' weird/freaky/scary dreams, and yes, they're still bothering me.

I don't know. Lately I just keep wishing I could be someone else or go back to when I was younger but still retain the things I've learned, then relive part of my life. I feel like a failure, and that blows. What blows more is that it's probably true. I want to explain a smidge though. I don't feel like a failure as a person, I know that over all I'm a pretty decent person, it's more like a failure career wise.

Well, I better go because I have another day of work tomorrow running and running trying to get everything done, for nothing. :) Fun huh?!

Sweet dreams everyone, especially me! :�

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