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7:55 pm * June 01, 2004
A few friends of mine and I were talkin' the other day, and watching tv. And the commercial came on for some white effects kind of thing, and the girls friends were like, "so who's the guy?"

Well, one of my friends, who's kind of pervy said something like, wouldn't it be funny if that chick said, "No there's no new guy, just a new B.O.B., it has this great vibrating tip, and I got it at tickle kitty."

And then the other chicks would be like, what's tickle kitty, and then they'd write down the URL www.ticklekitty.com.

(Don't click it unless you actually want to go there, b/c it is a real site, with real "toys")

Now, I partly blame myself for this conversation. Because I'm the one who told them about tickle kitty. I had to though, it was too cool/funny to keep to myself! There were people from the company on a tech tv show the other night, and it was freakin' cool. And bad... Yeah... (I'm so convincing!)

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