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just chatting
2:00 *2:20am * February 07, 2004
Oh my gosh, how is it that I go off and don't update for almost a month?

Did I get caught up in some whirlwind living life thing? Hellll no.

I've just been avoiding coming here when my mother has been home, which has basically been everytime I'm home this last almost month. (Damn snow!) She's here now too, but she is asleep, so there's way fewer worries about her seeing me typing anything here that says Diaryland.

Call me paranoid all you want, you don't live with her. At least she doesn't go through my room anymore. :�

I'm really really tired (work sucks), but I still wanted to at least take this small window of opportunity and at least update something.

So the mind games guy, still playing more mind games, though he's been having a harder time getting to me than he used to. Now I just play along, say things like, uh-huh, suuure, right, we'll do that... then just continue on about my business like he never said anything about it. I think it might just be getting to him too, 'cause he's been calling (as in on the phone and showin' up) more frequently. Too bad I'm not as crazy about him as I once was huh? :)

Oh yay, a cute little 80's movie on TBS, I'll just have to watch it. Does it matter that it's 2 something AM and it'll probably end at 4 something AM? Naw not really. At least watching the movie will keep me from buying anything else on eBay. (Yes I am sort of kidding.)

Well, that's really all there is to say right now, been reading some fun/funny books, yay for that, but I'm FREAKING SICK OF FREAKING SNOW (sorry for the caps but really, enough already) I am almost out of new books to read though, notice I said NEW. I have a couple boxes of really old books so I'll just have to read some of them soon.

Okay that's all for now because I'm rambling and typing on and on with no real point or intent, which is distracting and funny all at once.


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