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just ranting some more before bed
11:34 pm * January 11, 2004
So I didn't talk to him today. Quite un-surprisingly he didn't call or email or drive over. I could kick my own ass for being this way about him. So I shall continue to just not seek him out. I can handle not going to him (ie: emailing, calling, stopping by) but it's when he shows up and asks me to come over or call that my lovely will power deminishes. Oh well. I'll just have to keep myself busy. He's a butthead playing mind games, he's bad, must stay away.

Yes, I am trying to convince myself still.


I'm just glad that I'm finding some humor in the situation, because yesterday, I wasn't, at all. I don't think I even slept last night because I was so extremely ticked off at him and his bs. Whatever. There are just some people who shouldn't be allowed to roam the world freely.

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