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yesterday, the day and the song
11:44 a.m. * 2001-08-02
I got home last night, and I was a total wreck. When I get real stressed my neck gets all stiff and it hurts to move it...well my neck and shoulders were like that by the time I got home. Then I went and got all teary and sad. Now my chest hurts too still, lucky me huh?

I got home to find out my hamster died. I went to check on my cat, yeah I was a bit paranoid at that point. I went back downstairs to get his food and I stepped on a thumb tack. Yeah yesterday was just a barrel of fun.

I told my mom about all of the stuff with my friend, simply because I needed to actually say all the thoughts running through my mind. She hugged me and told me I'm a good person. I'm still not sure if I really understand why she said that. She sort of said it was because I wasn't just upset my friend didn't tell me something this major, but that I was worried and upset about how she'd be able to survive all of this. How she'd take care of another baby.

I don't know. I feel pretty selfish right now. I was all worked up because my "best friend" didn't tell me something that was very serious. I didn't stop to think that maybe she was just too afraid to tell me, or anyone else for that matter. I'm not going to let this change our friendship unless she wants it to. Because I need to let it be known that I still believe in her and back her up 100%. The other people we work with are not going to make this very easy on her. I have seen how they treat people with my own eyes, I know how they'll act towards her.

I'm listening to Yesterday, Beatles version.

:( I'm started to get a little worried, it hurts pretty bad and I'm pretty calm now. I think I'm going to go lay down.

oh yeah, hey I.D. thank you. (Side note though, I'm a few states up from you.)

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