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8:26 p.m. * 2001-04-18
I'm in school now so this will be a short one I guess. I want to explain why I don't want to be like my dad. He's in his early 50's he's been married 2 times, has 3 kids, he's had a heart attack, had an insane girlfriend for about 8 years, who moved in the week that my mother and I moved out when they got separated, and she brought her 2 kids along. Yes, I know, I have issues!! :) Then there is the big thing, he's an alcoholic. Now, he won't say he is, but I grew up around him, I think I know, and the kicker is, most of my father's family are alcoholics as well. So, that leaves me out, I'm afraid that if I drink I'll start becoming addicted, because addition runs in my family, now this entry is supposed to be about my father but I'll mention a little something about my mom's family here, her father was also a drinker. And the man she is with now is a drinker, but she isn't....see a pattern? I won't let that pattern happen to me or my younger sister. She's not my father's child, she's the other drunk's kid. It isn't her fault though, I love her dearly. Well, my older brother is following in my father's footsteps, and b/c my brother is damn near 10 yrs older than me there is very little I can do. Well, I need to get back to class, I'll explain in more detail very soon. Quote "From my weakness, comes their power. My power, brings out their weaknesses." Me
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