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creepy old man
7:48 p.m. * 2001-05-24
Hi again.

Well guess what just happened to me?

You'll never guess.

My little sister's father's friend (yes I know confusing) was just downstairs in our living room hitting on me. No jest. He was asking me about where I work, commenting on my "pretty hair", saying my outfit was cute. One of the last things he said was about what a shame it was for me to have to do dishes.....

Now, maybe, it is only my imagination. Maybe he was just ya know, making conversation. But I doubt it. He says things like that every time he sees me. I know I've basically established I like older guys through my entries in here. I don't like him. I am not attracted to him, I don't want to be anywhere near him.... AT ALL!! He freaks me out. He has repeatedly just walked into our house. And my sister's dad lets him.

I have not done anything to make this moron think I like him in any way whatsoever. He became stupid to me the day he came to our house drunk with his 2 little kids. His kids are bad too. The one is only 5 or 6 and she swears something fierce. The older one "lies like a dog".... Ok I'm done now I just needed to get all that stuff out. If he ever does anything to me, at least you guys will know I wasn't bringing it upon myself.

Quote "Even as a young child my thoughts were sodden with eternity."

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